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One in ten French people has tested positive since January 1 and contamination remains high. 428,008 new cases have been identified in the past 24 hours.
In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), record rates of contamination have been identified. The mask is compulsory in the city center, but Toulouse residents are not always disciplined. Occitania is overwhelmed by the Omicron wave with more than 5,000 contaminations per 100,000 inhabitants. On average, one in three tests is positive.
France is overwhelmed by the Omicron tidal wave. Only Denmark does worse with 7,158 new daily cases per million inhabitants compared to 5,436 in France and 5,080 in Portugal. Germany has only 1,475 cases per million inhabitants. Such a gap with France is explained by massive screening and because the strategic choices are different. Even if the bar of 30,000 hospitalizations was crossed on Tuesday January 25 in France, what matters to the government is that the number of patients in critical care is falling.