Biological bathing
The biological bathing is created by man and is used for bathing. It is alive, perennial, watertight, hermetic to any other source of water, without deep stratification and protected from the surrounding area. The aquatic environment is mesotrophic*. Limited in phosphorus. Nutrient inflow and outflow are balanced. The biological swimming pool must be maintained exclusively by mechanical and biological cleaning (plants, animals, biofilm, micro-organisms). This cleaning is carried out in a protected area essentially thanks to the sedimentation carried out by the plankton. Plants must be in contact with water. Preservatives and disinfectants are not permitted.
The natural swimming pool is artificial and used for bathing. It is alive, perennial, watertight, hermetic to any other source of water, without deep stratification and protected from the surrounding area. The aquatic environment is oligotrophic*. Limited in phosphorus. Nutrient inflow and outflow are balanced. The natural swimming pool must be maintained exclusively by mechanical and biological cleaning (essentially Biofilm and micro-organisms). The filtration zone (lagoonage) consists of a support only for the biofilm and is supplied via a water current. Plants must be in contact with water. Preservatives and disinfectants are not permitted.
– Luke Carrascosa
The 10 Commandments :
1. no water loss
A biological bathing and ecological swimming pool must mainly be sealed against the ground. No water must enter or leave. A water drain is not necessary nor wish thanks to water purification by microorganisms. Filling is allowed.
2. no bring parries the edge
Nothing must be able to enter through the edges
3. separation of aerobic and anaerobic zones
4. the optimum pH is 8.4.
Both limestone and limestone gravel serve as a buffer system.
5. nitrite degradation must be ensured
6. the limiting element is phosphorus
7. no phosphorus in building materials
8. ensured the deportation of P and C equivalent of their entry, leaving the organic matter (maintenance)
9. ensure nutrient balance (C:N:P) fertilize regularly
10. current optimization
EXPERT ORGANIC SWIMMING Patrice Gousset in Lods 25930