why is the newspaper on strike?


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

Mr. Burgot, Mr. Martel, Mr. Petitjean, Y. Kadouch – franceinfo

France Televisions

The Journal du Dimanche (JDD) journalists are concerned about a deterioration in working conditions. They are still opposed to the arrival at the head of the newspaper of Geoffroy Lejeune, who came from the magazine Valeurs Actuelles.

The journalists of the JDD, the only Sunday general information weeklye, are on strike. They met in Paris, on the evening of Tuesday, June 27, to explain their fight. Journalists oppose the arrival of a new boss at the head of the editorial staff, Geoffroy Lejeune, a journalist marked on the far right. Licensed fromand the weekly Valeurs Actuelles, he had made it a support for Éric Zemmour during the last presidential election.

A meeting to defend the editorial independence of the media

“With the appointment of Geoffroy Lejeune, the Journal du Dimanche can only become an opinion newspaper, and not just any opinion”deplores Bertrand Grécot, journalist at the JDD. “We wonder on a daily basis, how we are going to be able to work on certain subjects, social issues, social assistance, the RSA, immigration…”, comments on his side Emmanuelle Souffi, journalist at the JDD. In the morning, Arnaud Lagardère, the owner of the JDD, came to explain himself to the editorial staff. He didn’t convince, but he didn’t change his mind.

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