why is she compared to Mylène Farmer?

Every Saturday, fans of the show We’re doing TV again, hosted by Eric Dussart

and Jade on the airwaves of RTL, have the chance to discover a personality invited to talk about television news. An hour of frank and captivating discussions during which guests share their opinions and experiences. From Sandrine Quétier to Jonathan Lambert via Jeanfi Janssens and Lara Fabian, many have illuminated the program with their presence.

Unfortunately, some celebrities didn’t want to join the party. In any case, this is what Éric Dussart confided this Saturday March 16, 2024 in the columns of Nice morning. According to him, Florence Foresti

always refused his invitation. “We’ve been trying to get her for a while. She’s the Mylène Farmer of humor, she doesn’t give any interviewsshe wants to stay in her comedy lane and it’s not easy to convince her to come and talk to us about herself for an hour”he explained.

Also see: “Really want to talk about…”: freewheeling, Florence Foresti makes a revealing slip of the tongue on Canal+

“I have nothing else interesting to say.”

Like the interpreter of Disenchanted, Jamel Debbouze’s sidekick is particularly discreet. Guest of Mouloud Achour on the set of Click in 2019, she also expressed her desire to stay in the background. I have nothing else interesting to say. If I were an opinion leader, or finally a thinker, well yes, but no, I’m just an actress. So obviously off stage I don’t have much to say.” she had said.

Mylène Farmer, for her part, had also mentioned the reasons for her discretion during a rare interview given to 7 Days TV: “I chose the path of private life, I don’t feel the need to make my commitments known. They exist, but remain anonymous. I completely understand artists who act as spokespersons, but that doesn’t fit my personality.” That’s what it says!


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