why has security been reinforced in France?



Video length: 2 min

Vigipirate: why has security been strengthened in France?

Vigipirate: why has security been strengthened in France?

(France 2)

As the government announced on Sunday evening, following the terrorist attack perpetrated near Moscow on Friday March 22, France is now placed in “attack emergency”. Emmanuel Macron justified this decision from Guyana, Monday March 25.

Numerous tourists and a police presence in front of the Eiffel Tower, but which should be more visible, with France going into “attack emergency”. This government decision follows the terrorist attack against Russia on Friday evening, an act claimed by EI-K, the Islamic State in Khorasan. According to Emmanuel Macron, traveling Monday March 25 in Guyana, EI-K is well known to the French secret services. “This particular group, apparently involved in this attack, had carried out several attempts on our soil in recent months”clarified the head of state to the press.

A limited time device

This decision seems to reassure the French who roam the capital. The “attack emergency” is the highest level of the Vigipirate plan. The State therefore intends to increase security around sensitive places, such as schools and places of worship. Searches and screenings can also be organized around these buildings, or during gatherings. A limited-duration device: it had already been triggered for three months after the Arras attack, in October 2023.

source site-29