who won millions?

The High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) made public, on Tuesday March 8, the declarations of assets and interests of the 12 candidates for the presidential election. This did not escape Olivia Leray.

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The declarations of the candidates for the Elysée were unveiled yesterday by the High Authority for the transparency of public life.

Without further ado, let’s play “Who Won Millions?” And let’s start with the candidate who played the game the best: Valérie Pécresse! She has with her husband a heritage of nearly ten million euros with among others several houses including one of 270 m² with parking nearby (it is specified).

To the question “who has won millions?”, I now call Emmanuel Macron.
Our president received €900,000 in net taxable income between the start of his mandate at the Élysée and December 31, 2021. Éric Zemmour also played our game very well, since he owns five apartments for a total of almost three million euros among others.

For the other candidates, we learn that Philippe Poutou of the New Anti-Capitalist Party, drives a Peugeot 308 SW bought for 26,900 euros in 2020 and now listed for 22,500 euros at the Argus. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan also claims to own a Peugeot 308. But: in its convertible version! I leave you two seconds to imagine Nicolas Dupont-Aignan in his convertible on the sunny roads of Essonne. Yannick Jadot rides an e.fun Rider 125 style electric scooter.

Finally, among the information that will also perhaps change your life, know that Anne Hidalgo has … ten euros on her HSBC A booklet. Otherwise it is rather team Crédit Agricole. No car declared for Anne Hidalgo (anyway everyone knows she takes the metro). Finally, Fabien Roussel has one of his accounts in the red: on one line of his statement, we can read “- 219 euros and 1 cent”. Beware of agios Fabien!

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