who will represent Ukraine, the big favorite to win the competition?

More than ever, this Eurovision contest will be tinged with a political color. Against the backdrop of the war raging in Ukraine, the competition will be the center of attention in Europe. Excluded, Russia will not be able to defend its colors. “The decision reflects concerns that, given the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Competition could bring the competition into disrepute“, explained the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), which specified that it is “an apolitical member body“.

So even if viewers will try to judge the stage and artistic performances of the participants, there is no doubt that many will vote with a thought for the people hunted and oppressed by Vladimir Putin’s men. And a few days before the grand final, the forecasts largely reflect this feeling. Ukraine has a 48% chance of winning. Far ahead of Italy (11%), Great Britain (10%) and Sweden (9%), according to eurovisionworld.com, which lists the main online betting sites.

Ukraine represented by a rap group

If Ukraine wins the trophy this year, it will also be the work of a group: Kalush Orchestra. Composed of six members, this formation includes Oleh Psiuk, Tymofii Muzychuk, the musician Ihor Didenchuk, Vitalii Duzhyk, Oleksandr Slobodianyk and Vlad Kurochka, the dancer. Participants who evolve in the world of hip-hop in which they distill ethnic and folkloric touches.

The group will perform “Stefania”, a song which is a tribute to Oleh Psiuk’s mother. With the images of the war nearby, the lyrics take on a whole new meaning: “I will always find my way home, even if all the roads are destroyed”. “Since the start of the war, it has taken on an even wider resonance, because many mothers miss their children. This song has come closer to the hearts of many Ukrainians. But we also hope that many people around the world can identify with this title.“, justifies Oleh Psiuk.


See also: Madonna is asking for an exorbitant sum to participate in Eurovision!

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