who is Zarra, France’s candidate for Eurovision, in turmoil since the cancellation of her concert in Amsterdam?

The intruder of the news gives each evening a spotlight on a personality who could have passed under the radars of the news.

La Zarra, who will represent France at Eurovision, was to perform on Saturday April 15 in the Netherlands for a preliminary concert which could have ensured him certain points from the Dutch public on May 13 at the time of the competition itself. After an afternoon of rehearsals, the Canadian singer dithered and finally gave up just before going on stage. This was taken by some for a whim of a diva. France Télévisions explained in the hours that followed that it had received a phone call – a “Bad news about one of his relatives” and this just before leaving his hotel for the theater. France Télé also insists on the fact that she is not the only one to have given up, the Polish candidate would not have sung, she, because of a tracheitis.

His real name remained secret for a long time

These mysteries have in any case aroused a lot of comments and curiosity, making you want to know her, she who, three months ago, was almost unknown. The exercise turns out to be more complicated than it seems. First mystery: his age. It seems incredible but she refuses to communicate it. When I asked why? I was told: It’s his choice! The various portraits published say so “born in August 1997 in Montreal” which would mean she’s 25. His real name also remained secret for a long time. She now gives it: Fatima Zahra Hafdi. Zahra is therefore her middle name to which she says she added a “La”, as for “la Callas” or “La” Môme, Piaf! Not much is known of her years before France, except that she was a hairdresser. And that she dreamed of French singers, actresses like Audrey Hepburn in legendary scenes in Paris. She ended up coming to France three years ago in visibly difficult conditions that she recounted, for the time being quite cash, this weekend, a few minutes before the cancellation of the concert. An interview with the host of Wiwibloggs, stamped official of eurovision fans.

La Zarra: When I arrived in France it was not like in the movies, but good enough for me to stay. It was kind of special because I was living in Airbnbs and hotels so I was kind of on the edge of burnout. Now I live in Paris, with good neighbors and with my daughter. So, it’s all right.

Wiwiblogs: You are a singer, but you also play, on stage you play a character: a diva! And you are a mom too! Has motherhood changed you on stage?

La Zarra: Of course ! I’m not afraid of anything anymore! because when you’re a mom, you have to do whatever it takes to survive! You cannot fail or be afraid of anyone. Motherhood made me a fighter. Because I’m a mom.

Champagne for interviews

Fighting therefore. But is she a Diva? The defranceinfo journalists who have met her in recent months for Eurovision, Benjamin Illy or Valentin Dunate, say that she has something very natural, but also that she asks to do all the interviews with champagne. That when she presented her song, Obviously, in February, she demanded that journalists listen to her with champagne. And those who saw him give a trophy to Orelsan at the victories of music necessarily have in mind his rather delirious red glasses.

At 25 – if we consider that she is really 25 – this harshness for a young woman is perhaps what will allow her to win France, which has had so much trouble since Marie Myriam. Lucid, she also bursts out laughing when Valentin Dunate, for franceinfo, insists in his interview in February, on the fact that France never wins. “I feel in me that I have to win”, she explains after a burst of laughter. I will make sure that physically, mentally I am at 100% of my abilities. From Monday, no more alcohol. Finished the cakes. I’m going to have a singing teacher. I get into a somewhat Olympic ‘thing’. I don’t want to say to myself after May 13, ah I should have! “

This hardness is also present from the first words of the song Obviously with which it competes: My heart, my hands, my eyes, my loins. Nothing belongs to me anymore she writes in the first verse I hurt myself to do good. I forget like it was nothing.

Let’s also remember that before Eurovision, it was still platinum with a title: you will go away. Some 20 million views on YouTube. Which had earned him this same year 2021 to be named as a French-speaking revelation at the NRJ Music Awards.

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