During his press conference at the Elysée on Tuesday evening, the Head of State called for measures to regain “control of our screens” and their use by children.
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This is one of the measures announced by Emmanuel Macron on education, during his press conference at the Elysée, Tuesday January 16. Facing journalists, the head of state called for measures aimed at resuming “control of our screens” and their use by children. “We have left a lot of families without instructions. (…) We need to have a scientific consensus, that scientists begin to give us a plan and that we inform a public debate, which will come next” , he defended.
Emmanuel Macron brought together experts last week, whose first work must be delivered “end of March” on the subject. Based on their recommendations, “we will determine the proper use of screens for our children in families, at home and in class, because the future of our societies and our democracies is at stake at school.” “There may be bans, there may be restrictions” And “may also be restrictions on content”, added the head of state.
Who are the experts brought together by the president on the subject? From franceinfo, the doctor in epidemiology and public health Jonathan Bernardresearch fellow atThe National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm), confirms the list reported by BFMTV, Wednesday afternoon. Here are the nine other participants in this commission:
• Amine Benyaminahead of the department of psychiatry and addictology at Paul-Brousse University Hospital, who co-chairs this group
• Servane Moutondoctor of medicine, neurophysiologist and neurologist, who also co-chairs this commission
• Grégoire Borstprofessor of developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience of education, director of the laboratory of child development and educational psychology (CNRS)
• Axelle Desaintdirector of the digital education and Internet Without Fear division at Tralalere
• Florence G’sellprofessor of private law at the University of Lorraine and associate researcher at the Institute of Advanced Studies on Justice (Ihej)
• Marie-Caroline Missirgeneral director of Réseau Canopé
• Catherine Rollandproject manager of the GameLab at École Polytechnique
• Grégory Veretdirector of the company Xooloo
• Celia Zolynskiassociate professor of private law at the Sorbonne Law School
The problem of screen exposure “is very important for the solidity of our democracies, because if we have adolescents and future citizens whose relationship with the truth has been poorly constructed, in any case constructed on social networks where the difference between the truth and the counter -truth was not clear, hello generation of conspiracy theorists”underlined Tuesday evening Emmanuel Macron.