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While the high temperatures have spread all over France, or almost, the 13 Heures de France 2 is interested in the products favored by the French during heat waves.
The heat wave has direct consequences on French consumption. Thus, some products see their sales explode. When it’s hot, we inevitably seek to cool off and we are easily tempted by ice cream: sales have increased by 69% compared to the same period last year. To quench your thirst, the shelves of cold drinks are taken by storm, especially flavored waters: +62.7%. We also eat more seasonal fruits and vegetables: + 28% for watermelons and cucumbers.
Some hygiene products are also highly sought after. Since the beginning of the summer, misters have been the star product. Sales have exploded by more than 129% in one year. Next, of course, are sunscreen products, which are essential for protection. Conversely, some products are shunned during heat waves. When the thermometer rises, we no longer want to eat hot food. Soups and broths are notably left out. Sales fell more than 34%.