When will there be a ceasefire demanded by Canada?

Mr Prime Minister,

How many deaths of Palestinian children, women and civilians will it take before Canada demands a ceasefire? Nothing justifies the Hamas massacre earlier this month. Israel reacted rightly, but it is clear that the Palestinians have now largely paid the price. Israel’s vengeance has become disproportionate. On top of that, Israeli action violates humanitarian law, as the Secretary General of the United Nations clearly states. What is the point of having rules of international law if democratic states like Canada are not able to enforce them?

As a Canadian citizen, I expect nothing more from my country than to maintain terror.

As for the idea of ​​the humanitarian pause requested by Canada like the United States, that seems very timid to me. And what does this pause mean? That once this has passed, the massacre of the Palestinian population will continue?

I understand that diplomacy must play its role, but while States manage their mutual sensitivities and procrastinate, I see an entire innocent population taken hostage and dying under the bombs. This is unacceptable and intolerable to me.

Canada may not weigh heavily in the balance and its influence is undoubtedly limited, but nothing prevents it from showing leadership and demanding an immediate ceasefire. You are the Prime Minister and I expect no less from you.

Please accept, Mr Prime Minister, the expression of my best feelings.

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