When Jean-Louis Trintignant spoke about his relationship with death in 1979



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“Me, I think of death to live better”. Jean-Louis Trintignant died on June 17, at the age of 91. During an interview given on television in 1979, the French actor shared his relationship to death.

Death is something that obsessed French actor Jean-Louis Trintignant. Here is what it said: “I think of death to live better. I think we should each live like we’re going to die the next day. I think when you smoke a cigarette, you should smoke it as if it were the last cigarette. When we drink a glass of wine, we should drink it as if it were the last, we would appreciate it wonderfully. When we make love, we should think it’s the last time and we would be in an extraordinary state”.

“Death is present in me in relation to life. It’s not at all a sad, morbid idea. I think about it because I’m sure it’s a philosophy, it’s a way to live better, to appreciate. We always say to ourselves we have time but what are we wasting in terms of time, “the time to learn to live is already too late”” explained Jean-Louis Trintignant to the journalist, quoting the French writer Louis Aragon.

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