While traveling with writer and director Yann Moix for the 70th anniversary of the North Korean regime, the actor made numerous obscene comments. “Complément d’investigation” broadcasts previously unseen images shot during this stay.
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These images are unpublished and could have been forgotten. In 2018, Gérard Depardieu traveled to North Korea for the 70th anniversary of the regime, alongside writer and director Yann Moix. On his return, the latter made a documentary, which was never sold or broadcast. The program “Complément d’investigation” was able to view nearly 18 hours of images filmed on site and published extracts as part of an investigation devoted to Gérard Depardieu*, broadcast Thursday December 7 on France 2. actor multiplies, in various circumstances, sexual comments and suggestive grunts.
“Additional investigation”: Gérard Depardieu sexual remarks in North Korea in 2018
The interpreter appointed to accompany the French actor and writer, in particular, is the subject of numerous advances and sexual allusions throughout the stay. Visibly embarrassed, she tries to divert the conversation with polite expressions – “e“In general, I don’t like being noticed”she replies – who do not stop Gérard Depardieu, very insistent. “I, who am a great hunter, always go to see what does not want to be seen, to show itself.” During a visit to the Juche Tower, a monument to the glory of Pyongyang’s ideology, he distinguished himself with vulgarities, mouth noises and grunts, very audible in the images broadcast by “Additional investigation “.
Lewd remarks throughout the visit
Visiting a stud farm, the actor shares a sexual and misogynistic reading of horse riding. “Women love to ride horses, their clits rub against the pommel of the saddle (…) They’re big sluts”, he assures, without any of the men accompanying him reacting. As a rider aged around ten passes by, he continues: “If [le cheval] gallops, she cums.” To his interpreter, he suggests riding a horse. “It feels good”he justifies, before adding that women who practice horse riding “like… something else a lot”.
Gérard Depardieu never seems to leave the sexual register. After getting on a scale to weigh himself, he announces to his interpreter, backed against a wall: “124 [kg], 124 darling! And now, I’m not erect. Erect: 126!” “Everything is made of wood here, like my dick”, “I have a beam in my pants”he still boasts, before informing that he was going to take advantage of a photograph to “touch the ass” of her interpreter, sitting next to her. It is impossible to know if he took action that day.
A “monstrous nerve”
Contacted, the lawyer of Gérard Depardieu and Yann Moix did not respond to requests from “Complément d’investigation” regarding this stay. But on returning from the trip, the writer drew up in Paris Match a laudatory portrait of the actor. “He makes no apologies for living and behaves in Pyongyang as one would behave in Châteauroux, he makes friends with everyone, he makes everyone laugh.”
“He stunned the North Koreans with the questions he asked, his enormous presence and his monstrous nerve.”
More recently, in April, Yann Moix spoke half-heartedly about Gérard Depardieu’s behavior, confiding to Figaro : “I showed it to a 20-year-old intern, she cracked after 20 minutes”. “There are sentences… I think there are a lot of people today who are shocked, or who pretend to be shocked, by what Gérard can say.”
At least sixteen women, thirteen of whom testified to Mediapart, accuse the actor of sexist and sexual violence. Gérard Depardieu has also been indicted since 2020 for rape and sexual assault after the accusations of the actress Charlotte Arnould, who also testifies in “Additional investigation”.
* The investigative magazine is offering a long investigation, Thursday, December 7, into the behavior of actor Gérard Depardieu, targeted by multiple accusations and two complaints for rape and sexual assault, including one filed after filming the documentary.
The investigation also focuses on comments made by Gérard Depardieu in press interviews in the 1970s and 1990s, when he was at the height of his glory. He then recounted having participated in rapes in his youth, remarks which he then disputed.
“Additional investigation” obtained previously unpublished images filmed in North Korea, met actresses and technicians who implicate Gérard Depardieu, other film professionals who worked with him, but also relatives who defend him. To be seen, from 11 p.m., on France 2, franceinfo.fr and france.tv.