What you need to know about Noz, the destocking company that bought Camaïeu’s stocks

The constant search for the bargain: this is the credo of the Noz chain of stores. The destocking brand bought back almost all of the Camaïeu clothes, more than a million pieces, sold at auction on Wednesday November 2 in Vendeville (Nord) for nearly 4 million euros.

>> The liquidation of Camaieu highlights the fragility of the entire textile sector

What do we find at Noz?

On the shelves, customers find everything from clothing to gardening items, including food products, decoration and even sports equipment. “The products we sell come exclusively from overstocks, end of series, end of collections, packaging changes, canceled orders, damaged packaging or auctions”, details the brand on its website.

The company’s first store, then called Le Soldeur, opened in July 1976 in Laval, Mayenne. Renamed Noz in 1992, the chain founded by Rémy Adrion is now based a few kilometers away, in Saint-Berthevin, and boasts more than 300 stores throughout France, with the exception of the Mediterranean coast and the Paris region.

How does Noz maintain its clientele?

Noz bases its communication on the announcement of regular arrivals of new goods at low prices, in particular via social networks. The brand then relies on the relay of its customers, by encouraging them to join the “community of Noz-addicts”, or addicted to Noz in French, who will be notified by email of each new item in the store closest to them. The most connected are even encouraged to then share their findings on their social networks.

For potential customers who live in the few departments where the brand is not located, Noz undertakes to open “15 to 20″ stores per year, to get closer “a little more each year of its customers”. The brand claims 2.7 million customers per month.

A flawless model?

The dynamic of Noz was undermined in September 2022, when the brand had to close 24 stores across France, advancing a “economic context” who “has caused supply difficulties for our suppliers”.

However, the opening of two new stores was announced on Wednesday 2 November. The ambition of the founder of Noz, Rémy Adrion, is to become “world number 1” destocking. As part of his duties, the multimillionaire was sentenced at first instance in 2015, alongside other leaders, to twice four months in prison suspended and a total of 75,000 euros fine for obstruction appointment of staff delegates and illicit lending of labour. Convictions then canceled by the Court of Cassation on May 23 and June 19, 2018.

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