what will the technical inspection of two-wheelers look like?



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

L.Legendre-Trousset, N.Fleury, T.Leriche, C.Rougerie, J.Roth, S.Lisnyj, V.Poulain – France 2

France Televisions

The technical control for motorcycles and scooters should start in 2024. The subject remains sensitive, because it will have a cost. The Ministry of Transport intends to consult users before detailing the measure.

After years of procrastination, the technical control for two-wheelers will soon come into force. The government plans to make it compulsory in early 2024 for all vehicles.those registered from 50m3. This news is received differently by bikers.You will rarely see a motorcyclist who does not take care of his two-wheeler, dso i think it’s nonsensecomments a man. The main thing is not necessarily the technical control of the motorcycles but the state of the roads”, notes another.

Compulsory after five years

The technical control of two-wheelers should be simplified, with four times fewer control points than for cars. It would become mandatory five years after the first implementation circulation then every three years. For the Federation of Angry Bikers (FFMC), this European obligation will remain ineffective in terms of road safety. “The cars had 16% of accidents which were due to a technical defect.that when control has been put in place, declares Didier Renoux, general delegate of the association. We have 0.3% because the usager of a motorized two-wheeler is aware of his vulnerability.”

The objective of the Ministry of Transport is a control around 50 euros.

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