what to remember from Marie Buisson’s interview

Marie Buisson, secretary general of the federation of education, research and culture of the CGT and candidate for the succession of Philippe Martinez, was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Sunday February 12, 2023. She answered the questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.

The inter-union wishes to “challenge the deputies”

“There is anger, the deputies must hear it”, launches Marie Buisson, the day after a fourth day of mobilization against the pension reform. On Saturday, the demonstrations gathered between 963,000 and more than 2.5 million people. She considers that elected officials have “a responsability”that “to hear what is happening around them” and in particular the fact that the reform desired by the government is “also massively refused by the citizens”.

On the sidelines of the examination of the bill in the hemicycle of the National Assembly, the Intersyndicale therefore wishes “call on the deputies to explain to them” their opposition to the text. The objective is to “convince them that their constituents are asking them not to vote for this reform”. Marie Buisson judge “important” to examine article 7 of the bill, which relates to the postponement of the legal retirement age. “It is important that everyone positions themselves on this article”launches the candidate for the succession of Philippe Martinez at the head of the CGT.

“A certain number of actions” planned by the mobilization of March 7

Marie Buisson also wants to show the deputies that the opposition in the street is not weakening, on the contrary, according to her, “there is a renewal in the processions”. “We ask people to stay mobilized because we think the government can back down”, notes the trade unionist. She recognizes that the next mobilization date, February 16, will be said “a more complicated period” because “we will have two zones on vacation”. So, to keep up the pressure, the Intersyndicale has already called “all employees to stop work on March 7”without counting “a number of actions” scheduled before that date. Marie Buisson also explains that the unions will invest “March 8 to make it a day of mobilization on working conditions, wages and pensions for women”. This date is far from trivial, since it is the international day for women’s rights.

“If the government does not hear this anger, it bears the responsibility”

The secretary general of the Federation of Education, Research and Culture of the CGT also reacts to the latest controversies that have arisen after the demonstrations, and in particular to the inflatable mannequin supposed to represent Elisabeth Borne hanging from a gallows which was located above. above a CGT truck in Marseille on Saturday. Marie Buisson recognizes that there is a form of “anger”but she thinks that “If the government does not hear this anger, it [en] bears the responsibility”, and not just unions. According to the trade unionist, “there is a form of violence” from the government when “he refuses to hear a majority movement”.

The CGT “ready to negotiate” only in the event of withdrawal of article 7 on the 64 years

Marie Buisson also denounces the “contempt” which, according to her, Emmanuel Macron and the government, with whom she assures us that she has not “have any contact since the end of the consultations”, demonstrates. The executive “works alone, and this was already the case during the consultations”, she criticizes. She thus explains that the government has decided to postpone the legal age to 64 and no longer to 65, not “following discussions with the unions, but rather with the parliamentary right”. Despite this, Marie Buisson maintains that her union “is always ready to negotiate”but “only if they remove article 7 and the age limit at 64”. She also specifies that it would then be a question of “negotiate while continuing to mobilize”. “We will call to stay mobilized because if we sit around a table very nicely, they will not listen to what we are going to tell them”she insists.


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Sunday February 12, 2023:

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