What temperatures can we expect in the next few days?

Météo-France predicts temperatures of around 40°C in some regions. A cooling down is expected from Thursday.



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On a balcony in Hyères (Var), July 24, 2024. (MAGALI COHEN / AFP)

This is the first heat wave of 2024. Arriving in France on Sunday July 28 in the south of the country, it will progress towards the north until Wednesday, before spreading to the rest of the country. “A very hot air mass from Spain is reaching the south of the country from this Sunday”indicates Météo-France. Result: temperatures rising to 36°C in the South-West and in the Mediterranean South and up to 39°C in the Alpine valleys.

This heatwave is accompanied by an orange heatwave alert, with 13 departments affected on Sunday and 39 on Monday, across a large southern half. To be distinguished from heatwave episodes, a heatwave corresponds to a period during which the national thermal indicator is greater than or equal to 23.4°C. This temperature must last for at least three days and reach 25.3°C for one day. Here is what the next few days will look like.

Monday July 29: the heat is gaining ground

Météo-France predicts that high temperatures will extend over more than half of France. “On Monday, the heat becomes very intense in the south of the country, as temperatures generally reach 35 to 38°C”estimates the meteorological agency. In the South-West and on the Mediterranean, the minimums will be high with temperatures between 20 and 23°C.

While the cool weather will persist in the morning north of the Loire and in the east of the country, temperatures will rise in the afternoon. 30°C will be reached across almost the entire country. Only the far north will escape the heatwave.

Tuesday July 30: a slight drop in the South-West

For the third day of the heatwave, Météo-France expects a slight drop in temperatures in the South-West, which will however remain high. The heatwave will progress in France. The 36°C will be “reached or exceeded in a large part of the country”predicts Météo-France.

Northern Brittany will be spared with less than 25°C expected. Unlike Bordeaux, the host city of the Olympic events, where the maximum temperatures will be close to 40°C. The meteorological agency also warns on “a risk of fleeting storms” in the west of France during the day.

Wednesday July 31: rising minimums

The peak of the nationwide heatwave is expected on Wednesday, according to Météo-France. Minimum temperatures “become very mild for most regions of France”, “very often” above 20°C south of the Loire, towards the Seine and the Grand-Est.

The maximum temperatures will be lower than the day before, except in certain southern regions where we will still expect up to 38°C.Thunderstorms are also expected in the Centre-Val-de-Loire region in the afternoon.

Thursday August 1st: a refresh planned

The heatwave is expected to end on Thursday, August 1. A cooling from the west is expected. However, 35°C will be approached or exceeded in the Rhone Valley and around the Mediterranean. This first heatwave of 2024 will be the 48th on a French scale since measurements began in 1947. The last one recorded by Météo-France dates back to August 2023.

According to Météo-France, due to climate change, heat waves are now more intense, frequent, early and long. Before 1989, they were observed on average every five years. Since 2000, these episodes have occurred every year.

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