what Mireille Dumas criticizes Jean-Jacques Goldman!

Once is not custom, Mireille Dumas donned the clothes of the interviewee. Invited by our colleagues from Buzz TV, the former host of Bas les masques and Private life, public life, returned to her television career. And if she has seen countless celebrities on her shows, there is one who has never made it and she deplores it. “There is Jean-Jacques Goldman whom I wanted to interview and who has always refused.“, she says.”And for what reason ?“, we ask him.”Well, because he says he doesn’t want to talk too intimately.“, specifies Mireille Dumas who confides all the same having exchanged with the singer but off camera.”On the other hand, when I made a documentary which is a portrait crossed with Berger and Balavoine on the beginning of the humanitarian and the artists who had mobilized, we exchanged by emails.“, she confesses.

Jean-Jacques Goldman or the cult of silence

Very committed indeed in humanitarian causes, ultra-popular singer with millions of records sold, Jean-Jacques Goldman has however always made a point of honor to withdraw from public life once he leaves the stage. In the documentary “The enigma Jean-Jacques Goldman” unveiled Sunday, October 31, 2021 on “W9”, the happy father of 6 children explained that certain aspects of showbiz have always displeased him. “What represents the job in quotes is above all everything that is cocktails, receptions, nightclubs … I can’t say that these are places that excite me a lot.”, He confessed in a sequence before adding:“Even when I wasn’t doing this job, these weren’t places I went a lot […]. On the other hand, if the job is to be in studios, to be on stage, to be with musicians, that’s a job that I frequent a lot and with a lot of pleasure.”.


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