what is the government planning?



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What does the future government bill on purchasing power provide? Among the measures planned to help the French fight against inflation, there is a 4% increase in several social benefits.

To help the French faced with record inflation, the government is planning new boosts. First measurement: a 4% increase in the basic retirement pension effective on 1 July. 4% increase also planned for a series of social benefits: family allowances, activity bonus, active solidarity income and allocation adults with disabilities.

Other measure: a food check scheduled for September. It could amount to 100 euros per household, with an additional 50 euros per dependent child. This aid should cost 5 billion euros for pensions, 1.5 billion euros for social benefits and 1 billion for food vouchers. In total, this represents 7.5 billion euros. On the housing side, the government has ruled out the rent freeze, but has chosen to limit their increase to a maximum of 3.5%. Personalized housing assistance (PLA) should also increase by 3.5% from 1 July.

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