Between the to do list that we never come to the end of, society’s injunctions to be both happy and successfulthe demands of our loved ones and the impression that others are always doing better than us, we live under constant pressure.
To cope with it, we tinker with strategies, which most of the time only accentuate this pressure and this feeling of never being up to it. How to escape it? What effective solutions to stop this infernal race that exhausts us and leaves us ever more dissatisfied?
Geraldine Mayr receives Fabrice Midal, philosopher and writer. His bestseller Get away from it all! (Flammarion), which has sold millions of copies, acknowledges the pressure we are under from society and ourselves. In his latest book, The Method Do not give a damn!, published by Flammarion, it explains how to do concretely to get out of it. In C’est la vie, Fabrice Midal gives us practical solutions and advice adapted to each case, to make peace with yourself.