what could France look like in 2050?


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

franceinfo – N. Chateauneuf, T. Lagache, M. Baudet, J. Ricco, S. Feydel, M. Anglade, L. Bensimon, J. Chouquet

France Televisions

Scientists have examined concrete examples of the impact that greenhouse gas emissions could have on France in 2050. The changes could be rapid and dramatic.

In Lacanau (Landes), by 2050, the ocean will have pushed back the coast. 1,200 homes, a hundred businesses and industries, roads… 40% of the seaside resort will have disappeared. In the Alps, the resort of Avoriaz will have to deal with the lack of snow. At 1,800 meters, the ski season will be 3 weeks shorter. “If we are not limited in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, we have scenarios that involve a collapse of part of the Antarctic ice sheet, which brings us to around 1.7 meters of elevation in 2100“, explains Gonéri Le Cozannet, coastal risk specialists, BRGM.

A fire season three times longer?

Through 15 concrete examples, the scientists from the insurance company Axa Climate have quantified the impacts of global warming. In central France, a drop in corn harvests of 25% is anticipated. In the Landes, the fire season could be three times longer. In the Loire basin, the groundwater recharge capacity would fall by 30%.

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