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Is tap water contaminated with pesticides dangerous for health? Present on the 19/20 set, Thursday September 22, journalist Jihane Benzina answers this question.
A limit of pesticides in tap water must not be exceeded. “A quality standard has been defined, it is 0.1 micrograms per litre”, explains Jihane Benzina, on the set of 19/20, Thursday, September 22. This limit constitutes a precautionary threshold. “If you exceed it, for certain pesticides, there are not necessarily risks for your health, in any case up to a certain limit”continues the journalist.
For now, this limit not to be exceeded is still unclear. Scientists do not have studies, sufficient elements to know what maximum value of pesticides can be absorbed by a human being without danger. Also, it varies by pesticide. “What is encouraging is that since 2020, the Regional Health Agencies have been looking much more for traces of these pesticides, and this is perhaps a sign of the beginning of awareness on the issue”concludes Jihane Benzina.