Welding work caused deadly Istanbul fire

(Istanbul) L’incendie qui a tué 29 personnes mardi lors de travaux illégaux dans une discothèque d’Istanbul a été déclenché par une soudure, selon une vidéo publiée mercredi par le ministre turc de l’Intérieur.

Sur les images de vidéosurveillance rendues publiques, un ouvrier muni d’un chalumeau soude un objet en métal lorsque de hautes flammes se forment de manière soudaine, aussitôt accompagnées d’une épaisse fumée.

« L’enquête […] regarding the incident continues,” said Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya in a message published with the video on the social network X.

The town hall of the Besiktas district, where the disaster occurred, said on Tuesday that it had not received “any request for authorization” from the owners of the nightclub or the entrepreneur. “concerning a possible renovation of the premises”.

Nine people were arrested following the fire, including the owner and manager of the nightclub and the boss of the metallurgy company responsible for the work, the Istanbul governorate announced.

The Masquerade Club, a large nightclub, was located in the basement of a 16-story apartment building in the Gayrettepe district. None of the residents present during the fire that occurred midday Tuesday were among those who died, according to Mr. Yerlikaya.

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