Wejdene: His ex YKM in police custody, suspected of having killed his best friend

According to our colleagues from Parisian, rapper YKMex-boyfriend of Wejdene, is suspected of having shot and killed his best friend during a brawl between bands. The facts took place on the night of Friday 7 to Saturday 8 October in the Hautes-de-Mardelles district located in Brunoy in Essonne. The deceased young man was 20 years old. Aged only 18, the young rapper YKM was placed in police custody at the Versailles judicial police station in the Yvelines, where he will be questioned for 48 hours.

A brief reminder of the facts. It is 10:45 p.m. Friday, October 7 when the police intervene in the city of Hautes-de-Mardelles. A brawl is breaking out in this neighborhood. The police then saw a young man injured in the chest and pinned to the ground. The firefighters give him cardiac massage. At the same time, another person was stabbed in the neighboring town of Villecresnes in Val-de-Marne. The person is taken care of by the emergency services.

Suspected of having killed his best friend by mistake, during a brawl on the night of Friday to Saturday, the rapper YKM was saved by the police when he was going to be lynched by the inhabitants of the city of Hautes- Mardelles, in Brunoy. Subsequently, after being admitted to the hospital, the rapper YKM will be taken into custody or he will be questioned for forty-eight hours before the prosecution of Evry (Essonne) takes a decision on the follow-up to be given to this case.

She was the girlfriend at YKM

This scandal is surely not enough to delight his ex Wejdene who formalized his relationship with the rapper in March 2021. This info was revealed by Maeva Ghennam, the star of “Marseillais” from W9. “Oh my god, she introduced me to her boyfriend. I met Wejdene’s new darling. They are too cute, they are too beautiful, I love them too much. I’m too fan! My love, you are both too beautiful”had revealed the young woman of 25 years who had dined at the restaurant The Workshop with the singer. A year before, in January 2020, the producer of Wejdene, Feuneu, evoked the affair between her and the rapper YKM at the microphone of radio VL: “I noticed her because she was a little girl from my neighborhood, from 91…just because it was the girlfriend at YKM. I already knew her, one day, she came to see me and she said to me: ‘I sing too'”he confided.

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