Weekend plans | On the way to spring

Spring break is coming to an end. However, suggestions for outings continue to abound. Here are some ideas to inspire you.

Me, in the red ruins of the century

We really fell in love with this play which tells the extraordinary life of Quebec actor of Ukrainian origin Sasha Samar. Kidnapped by his father at the age of 3, he spent his youth with one goal in mind: to find his mother in a USSR on the verge of disintegration. The skin-deep acting of Sasha Samar as well as the text full of humanity and humor by Olivier Kemeid make this play a theatrical object not to be missed. Moreover, the piece was a great success when it was created in 2012!

Chez Duceppe until March 30

Stéphanie Morin, The Press

Read our review

Visit the Duceppe website

The return of the Francouvertes


Rapper Parazar, finalist at the Francouvertes last year, during her participation in the Francos de Montréal in June

That’s it, the annual competition that makes fans of new music sung in French jump with joy takes off on Monday at the Lion d’Or. It is in fact on March 11 that the first of the seven preliminary evenings of the Francouvertes takes place, in which 21 artists or groups will participate until March 27. The semi-finals will take place from April 15 to 17, still at the Lion d’Or, and the grand final at Club Soda on May 13. New this year: all evenings can be viewed live and free on the web, and will also be broadcast by partner venues. A perfect opportunity to put yourself at the cutting edge of the next generation!

Josée Lapointe, The Press

Visit the Francouvertes Facebook page

Puppets galore


The show A like animal is intended for ages 13 and up.

The Casteliers International Festival is in full swing this weekend with around ten puppet shows aimed at young audiences, but also adolescents and adults. Ages 4 and over will fall for String games, a wordless show from South Korea that mixes clowning, object theater and puppets. For adults over 13 years old, A like animal is inspired by Japanese bunraku and the art of the mask. A show by Montrealer Marie-Pascale Bélanger.

The festival runs until March 10.

Stéphanie Morin, The Press

Visit the Festival website

The Filministes Festival is back


Back in force for a seventh edition, the Filministes Festival runs until March 17 in theaters and on the Tënk platform. Dedicated to women’s cinema defending underrepresented people, justice and equality, the festival offers five feature films and seven thematic blocks comprising 61 short films. The loyal public will be happy to see the return of the popular Les Filminounes component, which will be screened Thursday, at 9:30 p.m., at Cinéma L’Amour. For the first time since its creation in 2018, the festival will offer the Filminis youth section for film fans aged eight and over, Sunday, at 10:30 a.m., at the Cinéma Public, in the presence of director Grace Sing.

Manon Dumais, The Press

Consult the program of the Filministes Festival

Scandinavian culture in celebration


Anne Cathrine Bomann

The Scandinavian and Nordic culture and art festival FIKA(S) comes to Montreal from Saturday until March 15. Among the essentials of the program are two meetings with the author ofAgatha Anne Cathrine Bomann, whose most recent novel, Out of range, was published last fall in La Peuplade. Movies The moomins and the hunt for the comet (for children) and Tove will be screened at the Cinéma Public, among others, while a conference is planned at UQAM (Monday) on the literature of the Faroe Islands.

Laila Maalouf, The Press

Visit the FIKA(S) website for the complete program

At the movie theater : Dune: part two

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