Weekend of family fun activities with “Children’s Play Monument”

“Have fun while learning”: this is the watchword of “Child’s Play Monument”! Palaces, castles, archaeological sites and abbeys, 52 monuments of the National Monuments Center (CMN) are revealed throughout France thanks to a range of activities intended for 5-12 year olds and their families.

A colorful cultural rendezvous, where you embark on a Homeric treasure hunt to designate the best school of witchcraft in the world, at the Renaissance castle of Bussy-Rabutin in Burgundy… You can also take a leap into the Roaring Twenties for an immersive show at the Château de La Motte-Tilly in Aube.

Ulysses, 12, visited the expiatory chapel in Paris built in memory of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette on the site of the former Madeleine cemetery.“This is where the hearts of Marie-Antoinette and Louis XVI are buried. We had a kind of board game where we had to collect diamonds while answering questions about the expiatory chapel.” With the bonus of a snack distributed to the children at the end of the session. And above all, no grimace soup!

With “Children’s Play Monument”, 8-year-old Josephine explored the Pantheon. “We had drawn architectural decorations and that had given a model at the end. And there were lots of other children who could do that, it was very fun. It was gigantic, there were frescoes and lots of paintings. We were able to play games and draw while learning! And now I know that’s where all the famous men are buried. For example, Josephine Baker!”

On the Aquitaine side, at the Abbaye de la Sauve-Majeure, children immerse themselves in daily life in the Middle Ages. With an introduction to archery and crossbow with knights, ladies and gentlemen gathered in a typical camp of that time. Coming last year, Apolline and Antonin really caught on to the architecture of the abbey where fantastic animals are sculpted: “For example, there is a basilisk that looks like the one in Harry Potter”, says Apolline before her big brother replies: “No, it’s not that one! Harry Potter’s basilisk is just a snake, the one we saw has legs.” Debates are also part of the game!

Juniors can also investigate the disappearance of royal insignia of Louis XV at the Palais du Tau in Reims, or attend a flamboyant conference on dragons at the Château de Carrouges, in Orne.

“Child’s Play Monument”, so it’s next weekend! The activities for the juniors are free, the adults who accompany them benefit from the reduced rate.

“I recommend going there because it’s really nice. You can learn without getting bored”, concludes Josephine.

Reservation on the national monuments website.

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