Wednesday to Thursday | Freezing rain, snow and sleet in southern Quebec

As if to mark the 25th anniversary of the ice storm, a mix of precipitation, including freezing rain, is expected in southern Quebec starting Wednesday evening.

The most affected regions will be those closest to the American border, such as Vaudreuil-Soulanges and the Richelieu Valley, where 10 to 15 millimeters of ice are expected starting Wednesday evening, says Environment Canada.

In Montreal, it is a mixture of precipitation that should fall, 2 to 5 millimeters of ice and up to 10 centimeters of snow mixed with sleet, details Frédéric Dubuis, meteorologist for Environment Canada.

In addition to this precipitation, there will be gusts of up to 70 km/h.

Freezing rain alerts are also in effect for Estrie, Haute-Gatineau, Lachute and Saint-Jérôme.

Thursday morning’s rush hour could be complicated on the roads in the south of the province, because of these weather forecasts, warns Mr. Dubuis. Power outages are also expected in some areas.

Rainfall is expected to decrease in intensity from Thursday.

However, this low pressure system has nothing to do with the one that hit Quebec 25 years ago, plunging part of the province into darkness. “We are not on extreme vigilance,” says Mr. Dubuis.

Beauce, Estrie, Gatineau, Mauricie, Mont-Laurier and the La Vérendrye wildlife reserve are the subject of a special weather report advising of mixed precipitation of snow and sleet that can reach 10 to 15 centimeters.

“The rapid accumulation of snow and sleet will make travel difficult,” says Environment Canada on its website. Evaluate the possibility of advancing or delaying any non-essential travel. »

Heading east, precipitation should decrease and also stabilize. In Quebec, for example, simple snow is expected.

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