Weather in Quebec: another gloomy day is to be expected

After a day marked by rain on Canada Day, another gloomy day awaits several regions of Quebec.

In Quebec, Environment Canada predicts a cloudy day with a 40% chance of showers. Moisture will continue to be present. However, the sun should be back in the old capital on Tuesday.

Across Highway 20 in Montreal, Environment Canada is also forecasting a cloudy day and a chance of showers.

As for Centre-du-Québec, MétéoMédia indicated that lightning sequences could strike in the afternoon.

Significant precipitation of 20 to 40 millimeters of water should fall on the Lanaudière region and on the North Shore.

With the exception of the Côte-Nord and Bas-Saint-Laurent, almost all of Quebec will feel more than 30 degrees, due to the Humidex factor, according to MétéoMédia.

Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean should also receive precipitation, since Environment Canada forecasts showers and a risk of thunderstorms.

Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Gaspésie are the only two regions of the province that could see sunny spells at the start of the day in Quebec.

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