wearing a mask will be compulsory at school throughout France from Monday

All primary schools in France will go back to level 2 of the health protocol from November 15.

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From Monday, November 15, all primary schools in France will go back to level 2 of the health protocol, franceinfo learned from the Ministry of National Education on Tuesday, November 9. This means that wearing a mask will be compulsory for all students throughout the country, in mainland France and overseas.

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“In this context of epidemic recovery, we need to be extra vigilant. All the relaxation envisaged for a moment will therefore be postponed to keep the rules currently in force. Even though I know how difficult it is, wearing a mask at school will be therefore for the moment maintained “, said the head of state during his speech on Tuesday.

Monday, November 8, the mask was once again compulsory for schoolchildren in 40 departments on the occasion of the start of the All Saints holidays. By adding those who had never abandoned this measure, 61 departments were concerned.

Until now, the criterion set to remain at level 1 of the protocol was to have an incidence rate of less than 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The schools which were at level 3 of the protocol remain at this level, the ministry specifies.

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