In response to the riots which followed the death of Nahel at the end of June, the Prime Minister notably announced on Thursday the establishment of a republican action force, by the end of the year, in Besançon, Valence and Maubeuge.
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“We will not solve juvenile delinquency with the military”, estimates Thursday October 26 on franceinfo Ali Rabeh, mayor of Trappes (Génération.s), after the announcements of Elisabeth Borne in response to the urban riots during the death of Nahel. For the elected official, having certain young people supervised by soldiers is “a gadget, a fad that comes up in public debate very regularly, but which does not and will not serve any purpose”.
Ali Rabeh considers that it is the work of “educators, teachers, educators of the judicial protection of youth”. This is a problem that can also be resolved by “fighting against school dropouts as soon as possible”.
On the envelope of 100 million euros announced, in addition to insurance compensation, the mayor of Trappes sees “good news”but ask if “this will be enough to support all the municipalities which have sometimes seen schools go up in smoke”. Ali Rabeh, on the other hand, says he is in favor of the proposal for the deployment of “republican action forces” in several cities. It’s necessary “pooling forces to deal 360 degrees with all the problems that arise in certain neighborhoods”recognizes the mayor.
Police officers, magistrates, social workers
For his part, the LR mayor of Valence, Nicolas Daragon said Thursday October 26 on franceinfo “satisfied to finally see signals of authority from the government and clear messages”. Valence is one of three cities, with Besançon and Maubeuge, to have been designated to test the republican action forces: police officers, magistrates and social workers, deployed together in certain neighborhoods to restore order.
For Nicolas Daragon, the Prime Minister’s announcements are therefore good news: “We always resort to repressive measures because it is the last resort. For its part, justice acts but there is all the rest of the time where local elected officials are sometimes a little alone in the face of difficulties which are beyond them. if the nation is interested in it and if it intervenes on the whole range of possible actions (education, sport, culture…), I think we can have results”.
The elected official then explains that the government plans “six days to audit the situation and restore order, six weeks to assess the necessary measures and six months to restore serenity to the neighborhood”. Faced with this, the mayor questions: “And what happens after six months? That’s the little worry I have after these announcements. The rest interests me”.