“We will have this text adopted, I have no doubt,” declares Gérald Darmanin

The immigration bill is due to arrive in the Senate in November and is already the subject of much opposition from both the right and the left.

“We will have this text adopted, I have no doubt”declared Tuesday October 3 on franceinfo Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas Territories, while the immigration law, expected at the beginning of November in the Senate, is the subject of numerous oppositions.

>> Negotiations, calendar, content, referendum… We explain where the immigration bill stands

“We must respect the oppositions. On November 8 we will be in the Senate and I will have the opportunity to defend it and find compromises. I think that discussion, exchange, respect, allows us to find political compromises. The LR will want not to imitate the positions of the National Rally”, he said. Gérald Darmanin is confident. “First we have this text voted on in the Senate, as there is a majority from the right and the center, it is certain that their friends in the National Assembly will follow them. My office is open and we will have this text adopted, I have no doubt.”

In France, the number of asylum requests stands at around 135,000 requests in 2023. “France went from the 2nd country with the most asylum requests to the 4th because we are trying to respond more quickly to asylum seekers. Today in six months we have a response in France “said Gérald Darmanin.

“Our challenge is not French but European. The question is: how do we welcome asylum seekers at the borders of Europe, in Italy, in Greece, where asylum capacities are saturated.” Pending the adoption of the European migration pact, which will allow “to change, revolutionize the asylum application”Gérald Darmanin “asked Italy and Greece to anticipate this agreement and to be able to make asylum requests as quickly as possible at the border.” The agreement is still under discussion between member countries: “This agreement must be voted on by the European Parliament, I hope that this will be the case in the coming weeks”concludes the Minister of the Interior.

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