“We need the means to welcome people with dignity”, considers the mayor of Marseille


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Benoît Payan welcomes the initiative of the President of the Republic of a new text on immigration, but he has reservations about its implementation.

“I find that the words used by the President of the Republic are appropriate words, words that go well“, declares, Friday September 16 on franceinfo, the mayor of Marseille Benoît Payan about the immigration bill announced Thursday evening by Emmanuel Macron. However, he is wary of it: “Every three or four years, we have regular announcements of immigration law. I’m waiting to see what’s in the law.” More than a text, it requires “means to welcome people with dignity”.

Benoît Payan praises the intentions “formidable” of Emmanuel Macron who notably announced that he wanted “accelerate procedures” and “integrate faster through language and through work”but the leftist is asking for action.

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“It’s Like Love”according to Benoît Payan: “Words are good, evidence is better.” He asks “means to know how we welcome people, how we integrate them, how they find their place in a life course”.

“Some will come for a few weeks, others for a few months, then others can settle down and become French.”

Brenoît Payan, Mayor of Marseille

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