we must “move with caution” on “the major transgression of killing someone”, says Jean Leonetti

Jean Leonetti reacts Tuesday on France Bleu Azur to Emmanuel Macron’s proposals on the end of life. For the former UMP deputy, President Emmanuel Macron wants to go “elsewhere” from what was voted in 2005 and 2016.

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While Emmanuel announced last Thursday the creation of a citizens’ convention on the end of life next October, the former UMP deputy Jean Leonetti, who gave his name to the law relating to the rights of the sick and to the end of life, estimates Tuesday, September 13 on France Bleu Azur that the legalization of euthanasia, “it is to reduce the problem to its simplest expression”.

>> End of life: the Ethics Committee considers an application of euthanasia possible “under certain strict conditions”

“We still die badly in France”assures the one who is still mayor of Antibes. “What if we really fought to prevent suffering?”he asks, more favorable to the right to deep sedation established by his law than to euthanasia.

“Is it normal that there are more than 20 departments where there is neither palliative care service, nor palliative culture with training of doctors capable of accompanying patients at the end of life?”

Jean Leonetti

at France Bleu Azur

“Instead of accompanying the end of life without suffering and providing the means, Emmanuel Macron says that we can kill someone who asks for it when he is at the end of his life. He will not further than the current law, it is another subject“, adds the chosen one.

“Human life is the supreme value”considers Jean Leonetti saying, moreover, “Against the death penalty”. “Any law that goes against human life poses a fundamental existential problem. It even poses a problem of culture and civilization.” Even though “this topic exists”the former deputy thinks it is necessary “move with caution” on “the major transgression of putting someone to death”.

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