Invited on Franceinfo on Thursday, the national secretary of EELV is concerned about the vocabulary used by Emmanuel Macron on the subject of the war in Ukraine.
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“We must be very, very careful when we use the words ‘without limits’ between nuclear powers”, is alarmed, Thursday March 7, on franceinfo Marine Tondelier, national secretary of EELV, after the meeting of political party leaders convened Thursday morning at the Elysée by Emmanuel Macron. The President of the Republic affirmed during this meeting that there was no “no limit” neither “Red line” to France’s support for Ukraine.
Franceinfo: What do you remember from this meeting?
Marine Tondelier: First of all, it is good news for our democracy that these kinds of meetings can take place, it is necessary. If we were, in addition to all the difficulties that our country and the world is going through, in a form of incommunicability between political parties despite our differences, it would be dramatic for our democracy. Then, Emmanuel Macron told us that we had to be limitless with Vladimir Putin. We can hear what is happening in Ukraine, that Ukraine must absolutely win this fight, but many of us were shocked by this declaration. We have the impression that he is aligning himself with Vladimir Putin by saying that since he is limitless, we must be limitless too and say that we are, because otherwise it gives him a form of strategic advantage.
It is a formula that he declared to somewhere justify having put on the table the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine, and having done this out of hand without warning his French or European partners , nor even the main interested party. We are talking about Vladimir Putin who has nuclear weapons and threatens to use them. We must be very, very careful when we use the word “without limits” between nuclear powers. Many French people must be very concerned as much as we are by this statement. As ecologists, as pacifists, as humanists, this cannot be the line of my movement.
4 months before the European elections, do you have the feeling that Emmanuel Macron is in the campaign?
Totally, and we know that this is a meeting where he comes to defend his position. He’s a pretty top-down person. What is at stake in Ukraine today is not just the future and the freedom of the Ukrainian people, it is the future, freedom and peace on our continent and within the European Union itself. , because Vladimir Putin is in a methodical strategy of destabilization of democracy on the European continent, implemented even by strategies of influence of information here, of destabilization by very advanced and very dangerous cyberattacks. Russia cannot win this war, that is clear, I agree on this with the President of the Republic. In addition to saying that it was not possible to only talk about Ukraine and not Gaza and the risk of ongoing genocide, we made proposals on Ukraine that we have been focusing on real sanctions for months. on Russia.
Today, there are economic sanctions, but we continue every day in Europe and France to import fertilizers, gas, enriched uranium produced in Russia, and therefore to finance the Russian war economy. Then, if we are truly sincere about our support for Ukraine, we must intensify our aid: we currently provide 3,000 shells per month to Ukraine, which needs 3,000 per day, where Russia uses 10,000 per day. This is a strategic node, part of the war is being played out there. We have to be very courageous, much more than we are, both in the sanctions against Russia and in the aid to Ukraine, but I have the impression somewhere that the declarations are a bit “go away war” and very virilistic of the President, and on sending troops and on “we must be without limits with Putin”, mask the fact that we are not doing enough. It is enough to compare in billions of euros what France pays in bilateral aid to Ukraine compared to Germany, we see that we are looking pale.
So you all agree with Jordan Bardella on the “go to war” side of the President of the Republic?
I do not agree with Jordan Bardella, because he nevertheless explained to us this morning that we had to understand that when we paid too much money to Ukraine, the French found that it was money taken from our public services and that it was misunderstood. Because our role as politicians is also to explain to the French that even if it is hard, every euro will count for Ukraine.