we know the seven names that will be proposed during the popular left-wing primary at the end of January

The founders of this initiative have unveiled the list of personalities who will be subject to the evaluation of voters: Anna Agueb-Porterie, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Pierre Larrouturou, Charlotte Marchandise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Christiane Taubira.

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Seven names will be submitted to the vote of voters in the popular citizen primary, announced the founders of the initiative behind this ballot, Saturday January 15 during a press conference: Anna Agueb-Porterie, Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Pierre Larrouturou, Charlotte Marchandise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Christiane Taubira.

This vote is organized between January 27 and 30 to try to bring out a single presidential candidate on the left, capable of “to win ecology and social justice in 2022”. The vote will be carried out by preferential judgment: voters will have to rate each candidate, and the best placed will be declared the winner. Five mentions are planned, of“insufficient” at “very good”, Passing by “fair”, “good enough” and “Good”. Among the main candidates, only Christiane Taubira is ready to bow to the result of this unprecedented ballot, but the other names will also be put to the vote, with or without their agreement.

>> Presidential 2022: how the hope of a primary on the left has (almost) flown away

Whatever the outcome of the popular Primary, for which 120,000 voters have so far confirmed their participation, a rallying of all behind the winner seems very hypothetical. “I am not in the Popular primary, I have already said it 100 times, so I will not repeat myself”, commented in particular Yannick Jadot, environmental candidate. And the LFI candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon also expressed his annoyance: “Fight among yourselves and leave me alone!”

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