The Évin/Stefanini report expected at the beginning of December will allow “to look at whether it is necessary or not, to improve, to clean up certain systems but we are keeping the AME”, certifies the government spokesperson while the Senate adopted its deletion.
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“We keep the SOUL” (state medical aid), assured Olivier Véran on France Inter on Tuesday November 14, a few hours before the vote in the Senate on the asylum and immigration bill. Last Tuesday, the upper house dominated by the right had nevertheless adopted the abolition of state medical aid (AME) reserved for undocumented immigrants to transform it into emergency medical aid (AMU), with a reduced basket of care .
“SOUL is important”maintained the government spokesperson. “We have never hidden it, we have no intention of setting up an AMU”, assures Olivier Véran. However, before the examination of the immigration bill in the Senate, the Minister of the Interior said he “favorable” but “personally” to the proposal of the Republicans (LR) to abolish the AME for “transform it into an AMU”. Gérald Darmanin has since changed position. Eventually, “he doesn’t want to” that this change be ratified following the parliamentary examination of the bill it contains. “Gérald Darmanin has had the opportunity to say several times since that the AME was important for our country”says the government spokesperson on France Inter.
The conclusions of the Évin/Stefanini report on this subject are awaited “December 2 or 3”. They will allow “to look at whether or not it is necessary to improve, to clean up certain devices linked to the AME but we keep the AME”says Olivier Véran. “Of course the majority [présidentielle] will be keen to revisit a certain number of provisions introduced by the senators”, he declares. He calls on the LR senators, who have considerably toughened the text, not to declare victory too quickly, recalling that the immigration bill will be examined in the National Assembly from December 11 and then in the joint committee.
Furthermore, Olivier Véran believes that there has been a weakening of the right on article 3, which concerns the regularization of undocumented workers in professions in tension. The senatorial majority, made up of the centrist Union and the Republicans, found a compromise so that the situation of these employees would be examined, at their request, on a case-by-case basis by the prefects. “There was a move and we wouldn’t necessarily have bet on it two weeks ago,” he congratulates himself because “the right said that it would not vote for any provision allowing the regularization of workers in professions in shortage”.