“we inherited the values ​​and costumes of carnival”, a family celebrating for four generations

In Saint-Pol-sur-Mer, carnival-goers know the Dubar family well. For four generations, we have been carnivalists from father to son and from mother to daughter. Their city was the first to establish the children’s carnival. A great way to carry on the tradition.

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In blue and white, in the front line of the band, it is Timothy Dubar, who is called “Tim”. And never far away is his wife, Corie Recolet. They have been together for 14 years and every year they throw themselves into the colorful madness of the Dunkirk carnival as a family.

At home, preparations begin 24 hours before, a real ritual for the couple and their children. “There, I’m doing my daughter’s make-up for the band of little ones, in Saint-Pol-sur-Mer” explains Corie as she finishes painting a bee mask on a delighted little girl’s face. “We do carnival like grandpa?” Tim smiled.

Because among the Dubars, the carnival is transmitted as a heritage. The family has been marching through the streets of Saint-Pol for four generations.

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“We inherited the values ​​and costumes of carnival”: for the Debars, carnival is a family affair

©Stéphane Bruhier / France Televisions

My grandfather was carnival, president of the Acharnés. He is no longer with us so there, I keep him with me a little” says Wilfried Dubar showing his pin in the image of a pensioner all smiles. He, his 3 brothers and his mother, honor his memory every year. Wilfried also recovered the grandfather’s wig for his costume. “It’s as if we had inherited a house, instead we inherited the values ​​and costumes of the carnival, that’s also what we want to pass on to our children”.

Learning is on the right track: a carnival weekend in Saint-Pol always begins with the children’s gang in which Maëlys, Tim and Corie’s daughter, participates. There is even the apprentice drum major, even if the costume is still a little heavy to wear.

The children are well helped by Cacaille, a historical carnival figure who also wants to pass on a little piece of history. “It’s the next generation! At least they will be great and they will say: when I started here, it was Cacaille who played my drum” he comments, a little moved.

At this carnival school, we also learn an essential notion: rowdiness. “The first line, it is used to hold and the second it is used to push” happily explains a carnival apprentice.

In Saint-Pol, we have been concerned about training the next generation and passing on the tradition for a long time. In the 1970s, the city was the first to organize a children’s band. Fifty years later, carnival goers are still trained by the rigodon of Place Jean Jaurès

“It’s primordial, defends the mayor of the city, Christophe Claeys. They are entitled to their carnival. It’s true that when you’re bigger, stronger, it’s more heckling. There, they are among themselves, they can learn the lyrics of the songs – not always very reasonable – of the carnival. It is important to bathe there to perpetuate the traditions.”

Instead of throwing herring, they even have the right to throw fluff. For the children, it is then time to go to bed. But with a nanny because the parents also want to enjoy their festive evening. After three years of waiting for the return of the privateer’s ball, the Kursaal is packed until late at night.

The next day, the party continues and it is Jean-François Duhoo who receives blues and whites for the chapel. And the kids are back. “It’s above all a group of friends. Our children are blue and white. I have a son, Rayan, at 18, he will be inducted, if he wants! There is nothing forcing him .” Here, we inculcate above all hospitality, love, and a sense of celebration.

Follow all the news from Dunkirk Carnival 2023 live on France 3 Hauts-de-France. and on france.tv.

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