Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health, warns that the level of stocks of medicines in winter will “depend on the intensity of epidemics” such as flu or bronchiolitis.
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“Today, from a global point of view, we have stocks for the winter, particularly in terms of amoxicillin, the most common antibiotic”supports Tuesday October 3 on France Inter Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health, after the difficulties in supplying medicine encountered last winter.
>> INVESTIGATION. Drug shortage: how did we get here?
The minister recalls that the government is tackling the risks of drug shortages on several fronts, “relocating the production of 25 strategic drugs to France” and also putting “450 drugs under surveillance since last year”. “The National Medicines Safety Agency (ASNM) monitors pharmacy stocks on a day-to-day basis”adds Aurélien Rousseau.
While he wants to be reassuring about the state of amoxicillin stocks, the minister does, however, recognize distribution problems with “especially the largest pharmacies which have overstocked”. Faced with this situation, Aurélien Rousseau “made the decision to give back to those who distribute the responsibility that all pharmacies, including the smallest, have access to these stocks”. He also warns that the level of stocks in winter will “depend on the intensity of epidemics”. “This is why we are fighting over vaccination against bronchiolitis and against the flu”indicates the Minister of Health.