“We have crossed the limits of indecency and misunderstanding of what the French are asking for”, says Laurent Jacobelli

“We have crossed the limits of indecency and misunderstanding of what the French are asking for”estimated on Wednesday August 10 on franceinfo Laurent Jacobelli, deputy for Moselle and spokesperson for the National Rally, while the deputy Renaissance (ex-LREM) and president of the Law Commission Sacha Houlié tabled a bill on Tuesday to “granting the right to vote and stand as a candidate in municipal elections” to all foreigners, even non-Europeans.

“For Sacha Houlié, Imam Iquioussen, who is Moroccan and who preached hatred, in the north of France, could have had the right to votegets irritated Laurent Jacobelli. Three quarters of the French say that in our country there is too much immigration and that it must be regulated, but Sacha Houlié seems to want the opposite phenomenon. Giving an additional right to foreigners who already have a certain number of favors, particularly in terms of housing, all of this seems to me a bit anachronistic.”

This statement by Sacha Houlié, Renaissance MP, Chairman of the Law Commission, “reveals a real thought of the government. It is not an average deputy. At the moment when the Prime Minister shifts in time the immigration bill of Gérald Darmanin, the only concrete act is this proposal”, explained Laurent Jacobelli.

The spokesperson for the National Rally distinguishes two scenarios: “Either you are a foreigner in a temporary situation in France, in which case why would you vote? Or you are settled permanently, you have a family, and therefore why not apply for French nationality? Seems a bit complicated to me.”

Sacha Houlié justifies his proposal by explaining that some foreigners, like the British, have been living in villages for decades and would like to participate in the life of their village or city. “These are the European agreements, the citizens of the European Union have the right to vote in municipal elections”defends the spokesperson for the RN. “But to be a voter is not to be a consumer, it is to participate in the life of the nation. When you are a foreigner you are not a member of the national community. The only way to be able to vote is to be French”insists the deputy of Moselle.

Giving the right to vote to foreigners who do not belong to the European Union presents risks, according to Laurent Jacobelli.

“There are a number of cities where communitarianism is law and if tomorrow foreigners can vote these cities will switch.”

Laurent Jacobelli, spokesman for the RN

at franceinfo

“They will no longer represent France but a community”projects the spokesperson for the National Rally, citing the Netherlands as an example: “There are municipalities where you have municipal councilors who do not claim the Netherlands or the municipality but their origin or their religion. This is what we want to avoid.”

In France, “Communitarianism is rarely Spanish or Italianpoints out the deputy RN. The communitarianism that we have today is essentially due to immigration from North Africa or from Muslims who clearly, not all of them, organize themselves separately from the rest of society. It happens and we should not encourage it. The idea of ​​belonging to this nation must be encouraged.”

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