“We give ourselves all the means to go up” assures the president Roger Paour

The Couramiaux must confirm the magnificent victory at Chalon this weekend. The SCBVG receives this Tuesday evening the Drôme neighbor of Saint-Vallier at 8 p.m. The basketball players of Saint-Chamond struck a blow by going to win this Friday evening at the 3rd in the championship and now have at least three victories ahead of their pursuers at the top of the Pro B (Nancy 2nd has a match in delay). And that eight days before the end of the championship. The probability of a direct access to the upper floor is taking shape.

Interview with Roger Paour president of Saint-Chamond Basket Vallée du Gier

The president of Saint-Chamond Basket must be a happy man right now?

Yes of course. We all enjoy these moments. It is both important and satisfying in the results they bring. It’s really important to be in this logic because it also creates enthusiasm in the club, but also outside. And then we have the Arena project, so there is a good alignment of the planets

Do you forbid yourself to think too much about the climb?

Not to think about it would also be not to be in a logical perspective since afterwards at the same time, we work day by day, on Pro B and its continuity. But now, we are forced to work in parallel on the upper level, so towards the Betclic ELITE. We have to think about it, otherwise we wouldn’t be fulfilling our task as a leader.

What are your areas of work in relation to the Betclic ELITE?

So already, we had worked quite a bit on the Arena and its filling and all that is partnership. But now we have to turn to other things. Ie what are the standards for the Betclic Elite? What are package costs? Transportation? Salary developments, because there are also professional salary minimums for this level. All that is extrapolation but we are seeing where it leads us and how we will succeed afterwards in finding the budgets to operate.

Will the club be strong enough to support, financially, a rise in Betclic ELITE?

I think it was the same logic when we arrived in Pro B, we had the 16th or 17th budget and today, it is a question 7 years later, of evolving at the highest level. And we’re still alive. We will make every effort to try to have a correct budget. It won’t be easy, but in any case, the leaders will never refuse a sporting climb. It would be too frustrating for them, for everyone else. And we will make every effort afterwards to try to constitute an operational budget for the higher level, knowing that you will understand that our budget will not be that of Asvel or Monaco, but rather in the latter. And afterwards, everyone also has to understand that it’s a challenge. It is not a long calm river.

How much is the budget this season?

It is 2.1 million Euros. This is insufficient for the higher level. So afterwards, there will be other resources to find. The ideal would be to manage to build a budget of 3.5 million Euros to be able to exist at the higher level.

How are we going to find this differential of more than a million Euros?

By the partners and the communities where there are scales, if we rely on what is done with the Chorale de Roanne and with the filling of the halls, and then the evolution of the partnerships. What is a bit complex for us is that we have marketed a lot compared to next season and that we must certainly review what can be done if we go upstairs. It’s a lot of work to do which is not impossible, but in any case, what is clear is that when you evolve, when you go to the next level, there is a period of adaptation. It’s up to us to pass it. It will be all the more difficult as, probably next year, there will be three descents.

Are you approached by potential new partners?

There are national partners who could perhaps join us. The objective is to find other partners and in the event of a rise, there will be televised matches. This will be attractive especially in our region with derbies with Asvel and Roanne and posters with Monaco, Paris. It will be really new for everyone in the Saint-Etienne metropolis.

Where are we with the delivery of the Arena?

When we were talking about the budget earlier, it is clear that if we hadn’t had the Arena, the problem would have arisen differently. There, we are lucky to have this magnificent tool that will be made available to us. The timing is April 15 with the handing over of the keys to Saint-Étienne Métropole. It will take a month to install the interior furniture. In May, we will start to organize for next season and to start the championship.

On the other hand, you have started the campaign to rent VIP spaces

Yes and there is already enthusiasm. The partners are present, the new ones too. Many are interested. We took a tour of the room even though it was still under construction. As I speak to you, we are already at 70% filling in these spaces.

Beyond the financial aspect, do you tick all the boxes for the climb?

I think you have to look at it through two prisms. The first is on the regulatory aspect. Today, we have fulfilled this criterion since it was necessary to have an approved training centre. However, it was approved on June 30, 2021. So now, we respect what is imposed on us.

In summary, all the lights are green, aren’t they?

In any case, we will do everything we can to get there in the best possible conditions. But yes, we will go. All the leaders are united in relation to this orientation and we will do everything, everything in our power to integrate the upper echelon. But again, I repeat, there is a long way to go.

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