We couldn’t miss it. A tribute to those who made mistakes in the soap opera Mbappé

VSs we say in Spanish: “Se queda!” Kylian Mbappé announced on Saturday that he was staying at PSG, and this did not escape Olivia Leray.

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First of all, I suggest that we reflect for a few seconds in tribute to all those who knew everything about this file, who were sure: Kylian Mbappé was going to Madrid. Missed !

This morning I also have a thought for Spain. Very disappointed, the Spaniards, very upset against Mbappé, like these sports journalists:


End of the soap opera therefore, and on our side, those who have perhaps worked the most to keep Kylian in Paris are the comedians “Les Sopronos”. A year ago, they had parodied a song to ask him to stay.

In any case, as L’Equipe perfectly recalled on Sunday May 22, 2-0 for France against Spain since at the same time the Lyonnaises won their 8th LChampions League against Barcelona.

Don’t worry, if you’re Spanish, there’s one thing where you won’t be hurt too much: it’s Roland-Garros.

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