“We are seeing violent acts against political leaders multiply,” according to a specialist

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is in a stable but still very serious condition on Thursday morning, after being shot the day before. “This violence is very worrying,” said Patrick Martin-Genier, teacher at Sciences Po and Inalco.



Reading time: 6 min

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, in Budapest, January 16, 2024. (ATTILA KISBENEDEK / AFP)

The Slovak Prime Minister remains in critical condition. A member of his government gave reassuring news from Robert Fico on the night of Wednesday May 15 to Thursday May 16. The leader of 59 was the victim of a “assassination attempt”shot “several times” after a political meeting in Handlova, in the center of the country, and was taken by helicopter to a hospital. “We have seen an increase in violent acts against political leaders in recent years., assures, Thursday May 16, Patrick Martin-Genier, teacher at Sciences Po and at Inalco, specialist in Europe. “15 days ago in Germany, a MEP who was putting up posters for his party was severely attacked. Far-right activists are suspected. This violence is very worrying.”

A leading politician for around thirty years in Slovakia, heand professional lawyer “is a bit modeled on Donald Trump, who spread extremely violent messages of hatred”continues Patrick Martin-Genier. “He is also suspected of corruption.” The climate is currently deleterious in Slovakia, the president of the country who is preparing to leave power indicated a year ago that she did not want to run for another term because she herself had received many threats. “Robert Fico had even accused her of being the puppet of the United States. When we unleash the language of violence at the highest political level, the boomerang can turn against these leaders,” concludes Patrick Martin-Genier.

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