“We are satisfied, we need more consultation”, declares the spokesperson of the MoDem

The postponement of at least two months of the review of the immigration law, scheduled for October, “satisfied” Perrine Goulet, MP for Nièvre and spokesperson for the MoDem. Considering the new composition of the Assembly, the elected representative declares that it “there is no urgency” and he “don’t confuse speed with haste”.

franceinfo: How do you receive this report?

Perrine Goulet: We are quite satisfied. We are in a new legislature with a new Parliament, so we need more consultation upstream so that the texts pass to the National Assembly. This postponement will give us time to conduct hearings.

I think there is no urgency: there is already a text on republican principles which reinforced a number of provisions and provided additional tools a year and a half ago, and there was the text immigration at the start of the five-year term.

“There may be situations where you need to reinforce tools, but you shouldn’t confuse speed with haste.”

Perrine Goulet, MP Modem

at franceinfo

I am also delighted that the Prime Minister has brought together stakeholders such as associations, civil society and social partners. I think that to do quality work, it takes time.

It is not because there is fried food in the government between Gérald Darmanin who is on a much more right line on the question than Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne?

No, I do not think so. At the MoDem, we immediately put warnings on the timetable proposed for this text as soon as we learned about it. Mr. Darmanin may have forgotten that we have changed the majority in the National Assembly and that more consultation is needed. We are delighted, at the MoDem, we who have been advocating proportional representation and therefore this style of parliamentary work for a long time.

What do you want to see in this text, at the MoDem?

We already want the obligations to leave French territory [les OQTF] be applied much more quickly and that we help more foreigners to return home, including voluntary departures which we must provide better financial support. On labor immigration, I don’t know if quotas are needed, but I really like it when Gérald Darmanin says that the employers who bring in this workforce must take care of its integration: that this either on the language, the school for the children and the integration of the spouses.

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