“We are not here in one camp or another,” says Samuel Lejoyeux, president of the Union of Jewish Students of France


Video duration:
3 mins


“There are a certain number of things that must go beyond the logic of confrontation. Among them, there is the denunciation of terrorism,” declared Samuel Lejoyeux, president of the Union of Jewish Students of France, Sunday October 22.

Samuel Lejoyeux, president of the Union of Jewish Students of France, is at the origin of the rally in Paris, Sunday October 22, for the release of hostages held by Hamas. At the same time, a demonstration to liberate Gaza took place at Place de la République. “Above all, we must not fall into this logic of response“, says Samuel Lejoyeux. “We don’t respond to anything at all. We are not here in one camp or another“, he insists.

“One of the worst terrorist organizations on the planet”

There are a certain number of things that must go beyond the logic of confrontation. Among them, there is the denunciation of terrorism and the fact of fighting so that old men, women and children can be freed, while they are today in the hands of one of the worst terrorist organizations in the planet“, adds Samuel Lejoyeux. “I would have a hard time going to demonstrate with people who refused to condemn Hamas. Unfortunately, there were these organizations at Place de la République“, he declares.

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