Water is likely to be sorely lacking in the future, but in the kitchen, it is essential. “It will become the most expensive ingredient in our diet”, according to Thierry Marx.
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Everyone is worried about water resources which are dwindling over the years. Cooks first, because it is an essential element in the kitchen. Thierry Marx hammers it: “It will become the most expensive ingredient in our diet. We will have to train future employees to be more economical, and encourage companies to waste water less, especially to pollute it less.”
Without water, there is probably no cooking, which means thinking about other ways of cooking. Thus, it makes no sense to immerse asparagus in liters of water when you know that it is a vegetable composed of 90% water. Working methods will have to evolve, be more relevant in the future.
We are already strongly impacted
Water stress, repeated droughts, of course affect the agricultural world, and therefore the products that feed us. Thierry Marx worries about it: “This water stress, we visualized it for 2050. However, we are already impacted. The potato harvest, of which the French are big consumers, is threatened and lacks yield in the face of water scarcity.”
Agriculture will also have to adapt, perhaps being less expensive than when it waters hundreds of hectares of corn, for example. Plants that require less water will surely find a place in our regions. It is now a question, according to our starred chef, of carrying out an urgent reflection on all these questions.