War lesson | The duty

I’ve read a few military strategy books in my life, Sun Tzu, Clausewitz and others. A basic concept seems constant among all the authors: one does not engage in an attack without being certain of winning in the short or medium term.

Here, Putin took a dangerous gamble by underestimating the Ukrainian resistance. This war of invasion risks getting bogged down and lasting much longer than the master of the Kremlin thought, not to mention that Westerners are supplying the Ukrainians with arms and equipment in their struggle.

However, the examples of conquests withering before the test of time and the combative will of the natives are numerous in history. Vietnam and Afghanistan are the most obvious cases.

Submitting a population against its will to the diktat of the invader is not easy and is practically impossible, especially in our time with the new means of communication. We are no longer in the time of the Cold War, and Putin and his henchmen risk realizing it bitterly…

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