War in Ukraine | What you need to know this Wednesday

Posted yesterday at 11:39 p.m.

Alice Girard-Bosse

Alice Girard-Bosse
The Press

  • The shelling continued in Kyiv, where a new strike in the parking lot of a shopping center left one dead and two injured, according to the mayor. Earlier in the day, four people were injured in bombings on buildings.

  • L’armée russe a reculé de plus 30 km à l’est de Kyiv en 24 heures et a commencé à établir des positions défensives sur plusieurs fronts en Ukraine, a indiqué mercredi un haut responsable du Pentagone.
  • Près de 100 000 personnes sont toujours piégées dans les ruines de Marioupol. Dans le premier hôpital en importance de cette grande ville, les patients sont soignés dans les sous-sols, a indiqué le conseil municipal sur sa page Telegram.
  • Le gouvernement américain a annoncé mercredi avoir « établi que les membres des forces russes [avaient] committed war crimes in Ukraine,” as Joe Biden arrived in Brussels for NATO, G7 and European Union summits.
  • The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom announced the delivery of 6000 additional anti-tank missiles to Kyiv. Sweden and Germany have announced the delivery of 5,000 and 2,000 anti-tank weapons respectively to Ukraine.
  • Russian forces have lost 7,000 to 15,000 troops in Ukraine since the start of the conflict, according to a senior NATO official.

Alice Girard-Bosse, The Pressand The Canadian Press

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