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On the 27th day of the conflict in Ukraine, Tuesday March 22, the Russian army is laying siege to large cities, but has trouble moving forward. It is notably hampered by the sabotage of strategic bridges.
In Kharkov (Ukraine)the Ukrainian army itself destroyed a bridge in the city. Everywhere in the country, as for example in Odessa (Ukraine) or Irpin (Ukraine)road and railway bridges are destroyed by Ukrainian forces. AT Voznessenska city in the south of the country, the destruction of the bridge even forced the Russian tanks to turn back. That decision, strategic, allowed the men of Volodymyr Zelensky to take the advantage vis-a-vis the Russians, however much more numerous.
By destroying these bridges, the Ukrainian army effectively reduces the number of road accesses for the Russian army, and can thus concentrating its forces on a few strategic bridges. Thanks to that tactically, the Ukrainians slowed down the progress of the Russian troops. Cutting ties, however, runs the risk of isolating oneself from the world, and finding oneself besieged.