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Almost a year after the start of the war, positions have evolved over the months. Russia controlled up to 25% of Ukrainian territory before counter-offensives. Thursday, November 16, 18.08% of Ukrainian territory is in the hands of the Russian army.
A year after the start of the war, Russia controls, Thursday, February 16, 18.08% of Ukrainian territory, or nearly 110,000 square meters. The fiercest fighting is concentrated around Donbass and in particular in Bakhmout, besieged by the Russian army for many months. On February 24, 2022, at four o’clock in the morning, the war begins with a rain of bombs falling on Ukraine and columns of Russian tanks rushing towards kyiv. Vladimir Putin is planning a blitzkrieg. On March 27, the Russian army controls up to 25.11% of Ukrainian territory.
A new Russian offensive imminent according to many experts
Against all odds, the Ukrainians resisted better than expected and forced the Russians to withdraw from their positions around kyiv and throughout the north of the country. The world discovers the horrors committed in the occupied zones. But the Russian army then won a symbolic battle on May 17 in Mariupol. The front stabilized until early September when the Ukrainian army launched a counter-offensive, seizing in particular Kherson, the only regional capital controlled by Russia, on November 11. After a redeployment of troops, Russia could launch a new offensive, imminent, according to many experts.