War in Ukraine | The African Union “reassured” by Vladimir Putin

Visiting Russia, the President of the African Union and President of Senegal, Macky Sall, said he was “reassured” by the proposals of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to export cereals to Africa, threatened by a food crisis. .

Updated yesterday at 11:39 p.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

What there is to know

  • Moscow has proposed “several solutions” to export the cereals blocked in Ukraine to Africa.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is hopeful that his country will win the war.
  • Russia will continue its “military operation” until “all objectives are achieved”.

For the past few days, Macky Sall, President of Senegal, but also of the African Union, has been increasing calls to reopen Ukrainian ports blocked by Russia, fearing that Africa is heading straight for a food crisis.

After his meeting with Vladimir Putin on Friday in Sochi, Mr. Sall said he was “reassured” by the solutions proposed by his Russian counterpart to export the cereals blocked in Ukraine, including the creation of a “safe passage” for cargo ships leaving the ports of Mariupol and Berdiansk, under Russian control.

Mr Putin also mentioned exports via the Black Sea ports which are still resisting, in particular that of Odessa, provided that these ports are “cleared” by Ukraine, a proposal described as “blackmail” by Kyiv.

The other route envisaged is the Danube via Romania, Hungary, Poland, or even Belarus, if Western sanctions are lifted against this country.

Before his meeting with the Russian Head of State, Mr. Sall deplored that his continent is suffering from the consequences of the conflict, while “the majority of African countries have avoided condemning Russia”.

Zelensky has faith in Ukraine victory

“Victory will be ours,” Volomydyr Zelensky said Friday in a video marking 100 days of war.


President Volomydyr Zelensky in a video marking 100 days of war

The whole world did not expect his country to survive, says the Ukrainian president. On the first day of the invasion, world leaders even advised him to flee. However, “the representatives of the State have been here and have been defending Ukraine for 100 days”, he proudly declares, flanked by Prime Minister Denys Chmyhal and the leader of the present party David Arakhamia.

Mais il faut donner à l’Ukraine les moyens de vaincre l’envahisseur russe, a souligné le ministère ukrainien des Affaires étrangères. « L’aide à notre État est aujourd’hui le meilleur investissement dans la paix et le développement durable de toute l’humanité », a plaidé le Ministère dans un communiqué.

De l’autre côté de la ligne de front, la Russie a déclaré vendredi qu’elle « continuera en Ukraine jusqu’à ce que tous les objectifs soient atteints », rejetant l’idée d’une paix.

« L’un des principaux objectifs de l’opération est de protéger les habitants du Donetsk et de Louhansk. Des mesures ont été prises pour assurer leur protection et certains résultats ont été obtenus », a déclaré vendredi le porte-parole du Kremlin, Dmitri Peskov, devant la presse.

Un chauffeur de presse tué

Le chauffeur d’un véhicule transportant deux journalistes de l’agence de presse internationale Reuters a été tué vendredi, dans l’est de l’Ukraine. Les deux journalistes ont été légèrement blessés.

Le trio était en route pour Sievierodonetsk, ville de l’oblast de Louhansk où les combats font rage, « lorsqu’ils ont été visés par des tirs », a déclaré un porte-parole de Reuters. « Ils voyageaient dans un véhicule fourni par des séparatistes [prorusses] and driven by a driver provided by the separatists. The driver was killed,” he added.

No other details were given about their identity.

Sievierodonetsk partly reconquered

Ukrainian forces have regained about 20 percent of the territory they lost in Sievierodonetsk, according to Ukrainian officials.


Members of a foreign volunteer unit fighting in the Ukrainian army, in Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk region

At the most serious hour, around 80% of the key Donbass city had come under Russian control. According to Sergiï Gaïdaï, the leader of the region, the Russian forces attacked and advanced on the Ukrainian positions only to be repelled.

“That’s how they go, step by step, because with artillery, planes, mortars, they just destroy everything,” he reported on national television on Friday.

“But as soon as we have enough long-range Western weapons, we will push their artillery away from our positions. And then, believe me, the Russian infantry, they will just run. »

With Agence France-Presse, the Associated Press and The Guardian

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